This recovery technique will allow us to do a mid-air upright of an automobile found resting on his roof. We will be utilizing two tow trucks. In its simplest form the first tow truck is used to lift the casualty off of the ground. We locate the center of gravity, we attach appropriately-sized in graded chain, and use one tow truck to lift the casualty and suspended off the ground. The second tow truck will be used to pull the casualty towards its wheels.

As one tow truck holds the other tow truck pulls the casualty and allows it to be set upon at wheels. As we apply tension to the Cruise Loop, it will cause the casualty to rotate into the rigging that is being used to lift the casualty. This is kind of a pitch and catch technique. As one tow truck holds, the other tow truck pulls the casualty away from it. A coordinated winching effort between the two tow trucks should cause the casualty to remain at a constant height, and control position, pulling the casualty through the rigging and towards its wheels and then carefully lowering it to the ground.