One of the more difficult jobs a light-duty tow operator may be asked to take on is towing a vehicle with missing wheels or a broken ball joint. Though the job can be intimidating, with the right knowledge and tools, any operator is able to safely and efficiently handle it.
Loading a vehicle with a missing wheel or broken ball joint can be done with either a light-duty tow truck or a car carrier, though different methods must be used to properly hook up the vehicle for transport.

Depending on the severity of the damage, loading a casualty with a missing wheel or broken ball joint on a carrier can be extremely difficult. Rolling a vehicle with a missing wheel onto the bed of the truck isn’t the simplest task, however using a WreckMaster skate can help simplify the process.
Loading a casualty that has a missing wheel with an intact rotor is much simpler than loading with a broken ball joint:
- Rest the rotor in the slot on the top of the WreckMaster skate
- Check that the casualty will clear the bed while loading it
- Use the skate to slide the casualty onto the bed of the carrier
If the skate is not able to clear the lip of the carrier bed, flip a second WreckMaster skate over and use it as a ramp to reach the bed.
Once the missing wheel is on the bed, winch the vehicle onto the bed and properly secure the casualty for transport.
Loading a casualty with a broken ball joint on a carrier is one of the more difficult tasks a light- duty operator will be faced with. While a WreckMaster skate can be used to load the casualty, it is not a straightforward as loading when the rotor is still intact:
- Remove the tired whenever possible. If not possible, secure the damaged wheel to the casualty using a rachet strap or with chains
- Using two WreckMaster skates can increase the surface area that the casualty can rest on the skate
- Invert two skates and connect them together using interlocking teeth
- Use a block of wood with a wide base and set it on top of the skates
- Rest the suspension or ball joint on top of the block of wood
- Slowly winch the casualty onto the bed
- If the skates will not clear the lip of the bed, use two more skates as a ramp
Once the vehicle is safely on the bed, secure the vehicle with at least four attachment points before transporting.
When loading a casualty with a missing wheel or broken ball joint on a tow truck, care must be taken to ensure that the vehicle sustains no further damage during transport. After carefully surveying the scene, doing all calculations and explaining the procedure to the customer, the following steps should be taken when hooking the casualty up:

STEP 1: Remove the damaged wheel so it doesn’t damage the casualty.

STEP 2: Chock the casualty’s rear wheels.

STEP 3: Jack the casualty up.

STEP 4: Extend the underlift so it is barely touching the remianing wheel on the axle with the broken ball join.

STEP 5: Install the L-Arm on the tire and lock it in place

STEP 6: Install the second L-Arm and adjust it so it is barely touching the engine cradle.

STEP 7: Use a strap to connect the spring to the receiver and tighten the strap to bring the vehicle down and secure secondary attachments