Sometimes, defensive driving starts before you even enter your truck. The following tips will help you be prepared for almost anything the road throws at you.

  1. Wear your seatbelt at all times. Not just while on the highway, or when you think police may be around. Any time your truck is in motion, you should have your seatbelt on.
  2. Use running lights. It doesn’t matter if you’re going one mile down the road or one hundred, set up your towing lights and use them every time you tow a casualty.
  3. Buy a quality pair of sunglasses. You never know when the sun may make a surprise appearance. Protect yourself from blinding glare and give yourself the opportunity to see the road better.
  4. Don’t use cruise control. If you are going to use it, only trust it while you’re not transporting a casualty and while weather conditions can’t impact your defensive driving.
  5. Use a GPS app. Most GPS apps have functions built in that warn you of any incidents on the road ahead such as a stalled vehicle or changing weather conditions, as well as changes in traffic.

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